Banning Books In Schools

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Banned Books
Should school administrators be able to ban books? Recently schools have been trying to ban books in schools like the “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” and “To Kill a Mockingbird” both these books were written more than 50 years ago. But what I think people should understand is these books were written in 1885 and 1960 so the events in the books were recent in US history. The reason schools want to ban the book is because it has a few bad words in the books. Barbara Jones states that “ The book Huckleberry Finn isn't Huckleberry Finn with the word”. Also some people think the book is dangerous because kids don't know those words but according to a teacher, Lindsey Franklin, at a High school in the US says “ The word is hardly new to High School students anymore”. Also people think books are bad but their not because nowadays every kids know the word nowadays. …show more content…

Many argue that schools should not be able to ban books in schools. Barbara Jones claims that “Huckleberry Finn isn't Huckleberry Finn without the word” (ProQuest). This is important because HuckleBerry Finn has a ton of bad words. Additionally, Huckleberry Finn is an old book with a lot of bad words in it. Some schools try to ban books so kids don't learn the bad words “Schools have banned To Kill a Mockingbird and kids have learned not to say the bad words (ProQuest). This demonstrates that schools have helped kids not to swear and it has worked. Anyways, schools have helped kids and their