Should Huck Finn Be Taught In Schools Essay

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{The principle of Chelmsford High School has received complains from some parents about the fact that Huck Finn is taught in schools. Being aware that the English teachers have opposing views on the subject, he has brought two teachers of polar views into his office to discuss the subject and to come to a consensus.}
Principle: Could both of you give a brief summary as to why each of you believe whether or not Huckleberry Finn should be taught at CHS?
Mr. For: Huckleberry Finn needs to be taught in schools. The Novel reflects on social issues present in the time it was written which can be related to similar social issues of today. It adds to the historical knowledge for students taking US History 2 which is taught the same year as Huck Finn is. The Novel also serves as an introduction to American literature, reflecting realism, romanticism, regionalism and character development through …show more content…

Against: Huckleberry Finn does not need to be taught in school. It does reflect social issues and different aspects of American literature but there other less provocative ways of teaching the aspects of American literature that Mr. For mentioned. Some children take offense at African Americans slurs and derogatory treatment of the black characters in the novel. The novel is not appropriate to be taught to high school students because they don’t all posses the maturity level or reading ability to pick up on, and understand the social issues addressed in the novel. The issues are also dated.
Principle: Okay gentlemen now that both of you have had a moment to express and make relevant your opinions on the teaching of Huck Finn please discuss it for a brief while to see if the two of you can come to a consensus. If not, I will make a final decision after hearing what else you two have to say on the subject.
Mr. For: If I may start. Let’s first discuss the impact on the student. Mr. Against, could you elaborate why you believe it is not appropriate for high school