Banquo Monologue

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Macbeth, the King of Scotland, nervously paces in a dark room, two suspicious visitors reminds him that everything will go as he planned. “Banquo betrayed you, I believe that you are full of anger to go through with the plan. However, please do remember that Banquo was a former friend to me. Just please be careful when you kill him, make it fast, clean, and painless.” “We can tell you that we’re the best at what we do, and we will never mess up a serious job,” said one of the killers. Its the morning after, Lady and Macbeth woken up due to a knock on their door. Macbeth proceed to open the door to find one of his hit-mans dressed in a white robe stained in blood, he invited him in. The confused Macbeth questions him “What is that?” as he points at the blood on the robe. “It’s Banquo’s blood i hope.” “You look like you've done a well job. Where did you place him?” “He shall be laying dead in the forrest, no one should be able to find him there.” “Well done, where is the other?” …show more content…

Lady started to notice it. “Calm down or everyone will know this is all your fault.” “I simply can't just calm down, i basically killed my friend for no good reason, i am a murder and a three to society, i can not be King.” “ Watch what you say. You need to be King, with me alone your side.” Macbeth stared at her. “Why do i sense that all you want is to be the Queen? do you even care about what i just did? i am a traitor to Banquo, I should not even be here in the first place.” “You need to be a man and step up, its to late to go back now, you are the king and thats what it is.” Macbeth truly is shocked that his wife just said that to him… he now know what needs to be done…but will he go with his next

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