Lady Macbeth Ross Quotes

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“Just then, he starts panicking. Something about Banquo appearing on the table.” The King of Scotland states while filling Ross in about the great events that happened at dinner the night before. “It was a disaster.” He continued.
“I may just be a messenger boy but I am very intelligent. I know every move that Lady Macbeth has made, she is not sneaky. With every word Lady Macbeth speaks, I realize all the harm she has done, only for herself to be happy. Has she not thought about others feelings?” Ross’ whispers override what The King of Scotland is saying.
“HELLO! Are you listening?” The King of Scotland finally gets the attention of Ross
“Yes I am Sir, that whole story is crazy! How do you think Macbeth is doing now?”
The King of Scotland …show more content…

I think I should pay the Macbeth’s a visit tomorrow,” He sets the cup back down on the table. He then gets up out of his big red velvet chair, dressed in a purple fluffy cotton robe.
“I think it is time we both get some rest. Until tomorrow, Ross.”
“Until tomorrow, Sir.”
The King of Scotland sets for his room, you can hear his footsteps echo throughout the beautiful white castle. Leaving Ross silent.
Everyone across the land had known about the dinner incident one way or another, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth hear of all the buzz in the house through their thick pine wood of a bedroom door. Anyone they come around abruptly becomes silent. They know what they did wrong. Banquo's death had been eating at Macbeth, driving him insane.
“Lady Macbeth has not been helping me out recently. She made the plans to kill my friend, the man I was sent here to protect, the king. But, she can not take the fall for it?” Macbeth talks to himself in the bathroom mirror while trying to pull himself together the next morning. He makes his decision mentally.
The maids had overheard Macbeth talking to …show more content…

I think he definitely has the guts to do it” Another maid had stated, which was a very good point. Suddenly they heard a knock echo through the halls of Macbeth’s castle. It was The King of Scotland. Macbeth walks out with bags under his eyes, you could tell he was not getting any sleep. Anyone that resided in the house knew, they could hear him going up and down the previous night. The thought of him killing Banquo was truly eating him alive. He needed to tell someone. He needed to tell everyone, it is not like everyone did not know already. The King of Scotland and Macbeth sit out in the garden for a meeting. Lady Macbeth sits in the white pane window to keep an eye on