Barack Obama Ethos Pathos Logos

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In 2009, President Barack Obama constructed a speech to inform the people of the problems we had in our healthcare system. Previously, there had been many instances of people who didn’t own any healthcare coverage, and in return they suffered from debt from medical bills. He challenges your mind to think critically over all the hard, concrete logos he uses throughout his speech. After he provides strong logos for the medicare providers, he shows vivid imagery about things that would be changed to help the people and our economy alike. While he gives this strong well rounded speech, he keeps his composure and controls his facial expressions. After he gave this speech to the medical associations, the American Medical Association being the biggest fraction of people there, our country was able to create a better way for healthcare to be provided to people who couldn’t afford the ‘normal’ healthcare plans. In essence, Barack Obama changed our course of healthcare history by giving his speech to the American Medical Association while maintaining controlled body language, facial expressions, a strong sense of logos, and depressing imagery. Everyone knows …show more content…

During any formal event, body language portrays a story of how you act and behave. President Obama doesn’t conduct a lot of movement throughout his speech, and he keeps his composure still making it difficult to pinpoint his emotions. One instance when he does use his hands, is to punctuate sentences with strength, for example, he’s hitting his hand against the podium while he talks to end a sentence with strength or bring a sense of need to sentences (UpTakeVideo). At the same time though, he gives us just enough to see he’s passionate about his speech and what he’s telling the people. Throughout the speech, Obama will politely use his hands as emphasis on a statement as well, for example, he’ll hold onto the podium to make himself seem bigger

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