Inequalities In Health Care Essay

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Thinking back over the course of 7 weeks, I have made use of many skills and methods, in the Health Administration program I have learned how to express myself in a professional and coherent manner I am now able to recognize various problems within our healthcare system, and think of solution to these problems.
Among the differences within our healthcare system a few issues stood out to me, to understand these problems we have to acknowledge them. Specific inequalities in healthcare can be observed among minorities and ethnic communities, and this can be a result of everyday lifestyle decision of individuals, communities and organization, labor markets, services provided, and geographic and social norms.
Socio Economic factors such as poverty …show more content…

Healthcare reform will impact the lives of almost every American by changing laws, regulating insurance, and covering an additional 32 million individuals. Though disparities will exist, and continue debate the challenges that healthcare reform will bring are increasingly relevant to health researchers and administrators. Many people do not think of health and politics as being interrelated, when you begin to think about healthcare law debate surrounding stem cell research, corporate greed, and pharmaceutical companies, no matter your political stand healthcare is an important issue for everyone.
I view healthcare as an important attribute to life, and with emerging issues such as how to best fund healthcare, and questions regarding where life begins and ends, trying to understand issues surrounding healthcare problems, and how administrators play a role in helping transforming provider patient interactions, health issues, behavioral influences and factors, and immigrant populations is important to understand these issues and implement changes in piratical ways so that they will have the greatest impact on the health of those individuals with the greatest healthcare

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