Social Determinants Of Health

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TASK 1 What are the social determinants of health and how these determinants are linked to Inequality in health outcomes between different social groups? The social determinants of health ranges from factors such as the wider socio-economic context as seen in fig 1, inequality; poverty; social exclusion; socio-economic position; income; public policies; health services; employment; education; housing; transport; the built environment; health behaviours or lifestyles; social and community support networks and stress. The social determinants of health are the circumstances in which people live and work and these circumstances are shaped by economics, policies and politics. It is the duty of the government tackle this social determinant of health …show more content…

The air we breathe, the water we drink, the buildings we live has implications to individual health and well – being. Exposure to air pollution from traffic and from industries which are built near residential houses in some areas can cause respiratory disorders such as asthma. A healthy built environment is an important influence on individual health and well-being. A recent report on the health impacts of the built environment by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland noted that public spaces and networks influence health in a number of ways (Lavin et al 2006). The report shows how socio-economic and environmental conditions play a major role in determining health in Ireland and Northern …show more content…

The richer tends to live in places like Dalkey, Donnybrook or Ranelaigh and the poor live in areas with poor quality of buildings, dampness, pollution and noise. Quality of accommodation is measured in terms of household facilities such as running water, dwelling and overcrowding. There is a shortage of housing in Ireland for those who cannot afford buying a house and this will make families become homeless. There is a long waiting list in council houses and for you to qualify for a council house you have to meet the eligibility requirements. According to statistics from Dublin council conducted in 2014 shows that 20 000 applications for housing have been made, an increase of 3000 from 2013. To own a house in Ireland is a major barrier for those on low income. It’s difficulty for new buyers to find a deposit of 20% mortgage. The proposed rules from