Barack Obama's Greatest Accomplishments

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Barack Obama has been credited with doing a lot for the United States during his eight years in office. His accomplishments include as passing legislation to help the United States economy during their time of need. Lowering carbon emissions, greenhouse gasses and their environmental footprint, as well as help bring millions of troops home who were doing tours in Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. Some would agree that his biggest accomplishment. Was becoming the United states' first black president which is a huge accomplishment on its own.Despite his accomplishment that was not sufficient for Barack Obama and his administration. Their goal was to help revive the economy as well as create affordable living with economic bills that would care for …show more content…

After not even being in office for a single year President Obama was charged with restoring the economy. One of President Obama's first major actions was the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which provided a $787 billion stimulus package to jumpstart the economy. The package included a mix of tax cuts, spending on infrastructure projects, and financial contribution to State and Local governments. The goal of the stimulus was to create jobs, increase consumer spending, and promote long-term financial growth. Another action delivered by President Obama was initiating the: “Making Work Pay tax credit for families with incomes of up to $150,000, providing a credit of up to $400 for individuals and $800 for couples as the economy recovered from the depths of the Recession in 2009 and 2010.”((Economic progress) With the tax return coming back to not just families but individuals, this allowed money to be spent and sent back into the economy helping to lift the economy. In addition to the stimulus package, President Obama also implemented several different economic policies during his time in office. For example, he signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act in 2010, which aimed to control the financial sector and prevent another economic crisis like the current one they were facing (Hayes, Adam). As President Obama was entrusted with …show more content…

One of his major accomplishments was the implementation of the Clean Power Plan, which aimed to reduce carbon emissions from power plants. “According to the Environmental Protection Agency, this plan had the potential to prevent up to 6,600 premature deaths and 150,000 asthma attacks in children by 2030”. ("The Clean Power Plan: Cutting Carbon Pollution from Power Plants,” Environmental Protection Agency). In addition to the Clean Power Plants Act, President Obama also made efforts to protect public lands and waters. He used his executive power to establish the Bears Ears National Monument and the Gold Butte National Monument, preserving over 1.65 million acres of land for future generations. ("President Obama Designates Two New National Monuments in Utah and Nevada," The White House, December 28, 2016). President Obama Didn't just seek out change on a domestic level he reached for change on an International level. Under his administration, the United States and China, two of the world's largest polluters of greenhouse gasses, reached a historic agreement to reduce emissions. (U.S.-China joint announcement on Climate Change). Throughout his time in office, President Obama strived to reduce carbon emissions, protect shared lands, and waters, and worked to address climate change on a