Rhetorical Analysis Of Barack Obama's Speech

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Study hard in school. Be focused. In the end it’s your own responsibility to succeed. The teachers, the government and your parents can be supportive without you being supportive of yourself. The only one who can fulfill your responsibilities is you. You have to pull yourself together and be active in school. Everyone can be something great if they just study hard enough. That’s what the president of the United States, Barack Obama, says in his speech from 2009. He visits the first day of school in Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia, and tries to give the students a pep talk. He wants the students to be hardworking and take responsibility for their own lives. It is so important that the students give themselves 100% to their schoolwork – according to Obama. Obama uses a lot of ethos in his speech. It’s the appeal form he uses the most. Actually it’s the appeal form he uses the most. He does that to strengthen his own person. He tries to tell the students that he knows how some of them are feeling. He does that with a lot …show more content…

Obama chooses not to make it too statistic and tough to listen to. That is both good and bad. It is good because he knows that if the speech becomes to technical people will start falling asleep. It is bad because he could have made some strong points by talking about statistics and future consequences. That way the students will see how serious it can be if they don’t get an education. Obama really wants the students to succeed in life. They are America’s future, and they owe it to everyone to do their best. America would not be the country it is today without people trying their hardest to do as best as possible. Even if you have troubles in your life, and don’t feel like you can do your homework, you have to try. People who had it worse than you succeeded. So can you. Just believe in yourself and do your best. Who knows – maybe one day you become the next president of the United