
Barbarians In The History Of Tachiks Gandzaketsi

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The word barbarian typically is a negative word that was used thousands of years ago and is still being used in the 21st century. We might be familiar of the word barbarous as someone who is cruel or has mercilessly harsh behaviors. However, according to the great Armenian historian Kirakos Gandzaketsi the word barbarian has two different meanings.
Kirakos Gandzaketsi , the author of “ History of Armenians”, was born in the city of Gandzak in or around 1,200. He was a cultivated student with good educational background. When his teacher Vanakan died, he took his teacher’s duty and became the head of school in new Getik. Kirakos Gandzaketsi’s book, “History of Armenians” was written in the 13th century. The book mainly consists of the history of Armenians in the medieval times and summarizes the events that occurred during the 4th till the 12th century. In his book he described many people and acts as barbarous. …show more content…

In other words those who do not believe in God seemed to him barbarous or different than others. He brings examples of Saljuks and Tachiks (Arabs) as Barbarous too. If we take into consideration Saljuks, Tatars, Tachiks (Arabs) are Muslims. Perhaps those who had different religious beliefs and races (such as the Seljuks, Tatars and Tachiks), or even those who do not believe in god, appeared to him as barbarous because they seemed different, foreign, strange, to him. Something that is unknown is preferably barbarous to him. (Whether it is religion race or even

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