
Basketball Narrative

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Im not really a big fan of basketball, the only reason I got into the sport was to stay in shape for track. I was planning on making state in the javelin. Unfortunately things did not go as planned. I experienced a troubling knee accident. I went through excruciating pain, what I did not know at the specific time was that it would change my life forever. The toughest part of my trial was recovering from surgery, and the effects that came with it. As soon as football season had come to an end, I wanted to play basketball to stay in shape for track. I had a decent season on the JV team, when all of the sudden I heard a loud pop, almost the same pop you would hear from a helium balloon. I was laying on our opponents gym floor screaming, and …show more content…

The older lady at the font desk, she was sweet as chocolate told us to go sit and wait for my name to be called. Out of no I had heard a soft voice call my name “James Sanchez” I looked up and it was a nurse. I hobbled to where she was standing. She had some questions to ask like “whats your age” and on a scale of 1-10 how bad is your pain”? I told her my pain level was at an 8, even though I and no clue what had happen to my knee. The soft spoken nurse had sent me out to the lobby to wait again to be called. Minutes later my mother and older sister had showed up to the hospital. “James Sanchez” said a male nurse. I had stumbled over to him, when he asked how I was doing? And told me to follow him. He had walked so fast, I tried to keep up but I just couldn’t. Seconds later we had reached a private room for patients like me-waiting to know what was wrong with them. An older lady came into the room where my family and I were stationed, she had asked similar questions as the soft spoken nurse. The older nurse said “time to take some x-rays of that knee” this was my least favorite part, only because they usually moved the injured part of your body in some uncomfortable conditions. Once the hassle of taking x-rays was over I had crutched back to my given room. As I awaited in the Dr. 's room I had a nervous feeling of what the results were going to be. The orthopedic Doctor had come in to our room, …show more content…

February sixteenth had rolled around I just wanted to get this over with. I assumed that after my surgery, that everything would be fine a dandy and I would be healed. A day or so after the surgery, I had accumulated a horrific rash, which had consumed my left leg. It was terrible! and there was nothing I could do about it. A few weeks had passed and my rash had finally dissolved. I had to relearn how to move my left knee and to walk efficiently, because I was on crutches for a month. This was definitely a challenge for me, it hurt to move my left leg, and thinking about walking was a different story. Even though after a few months of my father and my surgeon telling me that I would not be able to play sports, it had finally hit me what they were saying was true. I had thought to myself that I would be back to playing sports in six months. Here we are six months later and I am still not able to participate in the physical activities that I love. But I know that if I work hard I will come back better and stronger than I was before I got

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