Batman Duuhu Analysis

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In this work labeled Because Batman! Duuhu! By Stejepan Sejic you can clearly see all of the dark colors used for the back ground as Darkside is firing his bright red omega beams from his eyes in an attempt to hit Batman. Batman standing in a traditional hero pose as Darkside’s beams zig zag over Batman’s head. Batman has made no attempt to doge the omega beams as he has locked eyes with this massive beast that is Darkside. The speech bubble coming from Darkside says, “Die you insufferable Mary-Sue”. Showing Darkside wants Batman dead, but cannot kill him.

The two elements used in this work are light in the form of modeling, and implied lines. You can see the use of light through modeling from the light coming off the omega beams. The light makes shadowing around Batman and Darkside. Modeling is shown for Batman through the shadows under his chin, arms, and below his cape. The modeling for Darkside is shown around his face, chest, and shoulder armor. Implied lines can be seen through the work. Looking at Batman’s cape leads from the ground up to Batman. Implied line can be seen from Darkside’s knee, arm, and face all leading to Batman. Implied lines can also be seen from the omega beams at the point of zig zag where there …show more content…

The focal point of this the work can be seen as the bright red of the omega beam as the rest of the work is dark colors. You eye is grabbed by the left or center of the page, and immediately drawn to the zig zag point in the beam, which in turn points your attention to over Batman’s head. The obvious size difference can be seen between Batman and Darkside can be seen as proportion. The distance between these two characters is implied to be short as seen before the first arc of the omega beam. With both of these characters appearing the same distance away the size difference between the two is apparent. Proportion wise Darkside is about three times bigger than