
Batteries And How Do They Play Into The Process Of A Battery

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What is a battery?
A battery is a container consisting of chemical energy that converts into a limited amount of electrical energy, and released for usage. When you place a battery into an object, energy in the battery becomes electrical-which is known as an electrochemical reaction. Physicist Alessandro Volta discovered this in 1799, when he created a simple battery that consisted of zinc, silver, and brink-soaked pasteboard. Since 1799, the invention has been improved upon the original design. (Brain, Bryant, & Pumphrey, 2000)
What are the main parts of a battery and how do they play into the process of a battery?
To learn how batteries work, the main parts of a battery must be determined. Inside a battery, there is a cell that is known as a power unit, and contains three main sections. The first two are electrodes (electrical terminals), and the …show more content…

Batteries are electrolysis going backwards, they convert chemicals to electricity-making cathode become positive, and anode negative. (“How does a battery work?” 2012)
Cathode and anode electrodes are separated by the electrolyte. When the battery is connected to an object, chemical reactions take place. One of the reactions produces positive electrons, and electrons in the negative electrode. Positive electrons stream into the electrolyte, while alternate electrons move around the outside circuit and to the positive terminal; making the object work.
With a detached chemical reaction happening in the positive electrode, arriving electrons recombine with electrons removed from the electrolyte, thus, completing the circuit. The electrons and ions flow because of the chemical reactions that occur. With the chemical reactions, the power the battery generates, the chemicals inside are slowly converted into electrical

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