
Edison Vs Tesla

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When it comes down Tesla v Edison. Tesla's influence has surpassed that of Edisons. He has made a greater impact on the world with A.C current and his ideals then Edison's and D.C current. Tesla revolutionized Technology as we know it. He was able to change the world with one idea ,A.C current. It is through this idea that most electronics are powered by. It is is the first choice for power companies because it saves money and serves as a easy way to to change the voltage of the power.It is used to transmit power over long distances using high voltages and is then converted to a smaller voltage for distribution.

No one can deny that Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison were without a doubt the fathers of electricity. They Pioneered this field and truly showed the world what they were capable of. The Pinnacle of their careers were each ones creation of Alternating Current and Direct Current respectively. They pushed these ideas out to the world to show who was truly the better innovator. Also to show what was ultimately better for the world. While both …show more content…

Either as a voltage switching polarity or as a current switching direction back and forth. A.C is used predominantly in high power applications for its ability to transmit power over long distances using very high voltages.AC is generated in a power plant. The direction of the current reverses, or alternates, 60 or 50 times per second and is primarily used to deliver power to houses, office buildings and overall large structures because of its ability to be converted in large voltages.Power companies convert alternating current to very high voltages for transmission then drop it back down to lower voltages for distribution. This in turn saves power companies a lot of money and is why Alternating current is primarily used to provide large amounts of power as well as transmitting power long

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