Battle Of The Little Bighorn Research Papers

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The Battle of the Little Bighorn was an event that affected many native Americans to this day. Leading up to the battle of the Little Bighorn the U.S government was demanding the Sioux to go on reservations and they refused. So they sent Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer and his six hundred men on June 25th 1876 to remove the Sioux to the reservation, but little did Lieutenant Custer know there were way more warriors than he thought. The Lakota Sioux and the Cheyenne had about 3,000 warriors and when they went to battle Custer only had 200 men under his control. It was said that Custer went through the river with his men to get to where the native Americans base was, but that was debunked because of where the battle actually happened. …show more content…

The massacre was started because of the ghost dance. The ghost dance was a traditional dance they would do because they believed it would bring deceased loved ones back to life, restore Indian life, and protect their land. But the U.S officials saw it as resistance and went to arrest the leaders Sitting Bull and Big Foot. Sadly Sitting Bull was killed during the process of being put in arrest. The reason it was called a massacre and not a battle was because the Indians were told to drop their weapons and had nothing to defend themselves and were murdered. In comparison, the Wounded Knee massacre to The Battle of the Little Bighorn; Sitting Bull played a role in The Battle of the Little Bighorn and in the Wounded Knee massacre. In contrast to the wounded knee massacre and the battle of the little bighorn was The wounded knee massacre was a massacre and the battle of the little bighorn was a battle a massacre and a battle are way two completely different …show more content…

During and after the battle of the little bighorn and massacre at wounded knee there was a lot of murder of the native Americans. The Dawes Act of 1887 was created to assimilate the native Americans. If the native Americans were to give up their land, they would be able to become U.S citizens and be given a small plot of land to farm on. The U.S government created boarding schools for the native american children so they could assimilate them. Many children were taken away and were given up because if they didn't the U.S government would take their food supply away. One of the first boarding schools was in Pennsylvania, Carlisle Industrial school. Children were stripped of their culture, the boys' hair was cut off, their names were changed, they were put in traditional European attire, couldn't speak their language or they would be punished, and couldn't practice any other religion besides Christianity. ‘’Kill the Indian, save the man.’’ This was said by Captain Richard Henry Pratt while giving a speech. The quote is saying get rid of native culture and convert into a white man