Battle Of Verdun Quotes

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The Battle Of Verdun “Ils ne passeront pas!” Translated this quote means “ do not let them pass”. This quote was said by Henri-Philippe-Petain during the battle of Verdun. The battle of Verdun began on February 21 and ended on December 18 1916. This war was fought between the French and Germans in which the French won. The battle of Verdun was the most brutalist battle during World War 1. The battle of Verdun was the most vicious war of World War 1. One reason is because of the tactics used. During the battle of Verdun Henri Petain, a smart officer of the French, was promoted, thus making him involved in the war. According to, the website states “ Henri Petain believed defensive technology was so much greater adavnced then offensive technology. Petain understood that defense of the Verdun would result in many French casualties: The nature of the terrain made this inevitable.” This quote from the website explains how the tactic of defense was used. Even though the Germans had more soldiers whenever they attacked the French, the French would follow up with strong follow up attacks eventually pushing the Germans back at the cost of suffering many deaths. At the end of the war there were over a million deaths from the German and French side. …show more content…

The use of chlorine gas was used by the Germans. Chlorine gas could cause massive irritation to the eyes nose throat and lungs. According to “ The Germans used diphosgene gas to incapcitate the French.” This quote supports how the Battle of verdun was so gruff because of the use of such deadly chemical gasses. The French were prepared and has gas masks thus lessening the effects of the chemical gas. Flamethrowers, machine guns and deadly shell bombs. According to the website the machine guns could fire 400 to 600 rounds per minute, making this a deadly

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