Essay: My Calling Is Youth Ministry

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As an undergraduate, I didn’t realize what my calling was until my last year of college. I truly believe that my calling is youth ministry. In today’s world there are more youth turning away from God than going toward him and being true followers of Christ. After reading Be Real, I felt compelled to help other believers that are struggling with their own salvation, especially today’s youth. It is important to me to spread the truths of the gospel. Be Real, Turning from Hypocrisy to Truth, is a commentary on First John written by Dr. Warren W. Weirsbe. First John is a book of the bible written by Apostle John, which is a letter to reassure Christians in their faith and to counter false teachings. Dr. Weirsbe’s commentary Be Real goes through the entire book of …show more content…

I understand that not all counseling is faith based, but I plan to spread the word in a different way to assist at-risk youth who are believers, as well as non-believers. At-risk youth have a greater number of struggles. I want to assist them through their struggles, as well as being someone that they can talk to professionally. Chapter six of Be Real especially helped me realize the way I want to counsel at-risk youth. I want to emphasize the importance of how they are not bound to their old nature. Colossians three verses three and four states, “For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory”. This chapter states that the old nature produces sin, but the new nature leads one into a holy life. It is essential for the youth to know what they are worth and that they can overcome any situation by sticking to their new nature and not going back to their old nature. The book that connected with my calling is Be Real. My calling consists of being a youth pastor that also counsel’s at-risk youth. In the future, I would love to also start an at-risk youth program within