Beach Volleyball Stretching Research Paper

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Beach Volleyball Stretching Guide
While playing volleyball you perform various movements that put a considerable amount of strain on your joints. The repetition of movements such as spiking, squatting, lunging, and digging can be stressful on your ankles, fingers, back, and shoulders. The stress from the repetitive motions not only increases your chances of injury, but can also easily aggravate an old injury. But by warming up and stretching properly, you can properly prepare your body for some beach volleyball action.
Nobody likes to be injured, but you can decrease your chances of injury and improve your performance at the same time by warming up and stretching out before you play. This is essential for every beach volleyball player, as having an effective stretching routine can improve your performance, prevent injuries from occurring, and can help minimize muscle imbalances. The repetitive motions in volleyball can lead to muscle stiffness, as well as overuse injuries, but with proper stretching techniques you can help counteract flexibility problems you receive due to performing repetitive tasks. If you …show more content…

You can do this by warming up with at least five minutes of cardio. You can do this by pedaling on a stationary bike, going for a jog, doing jumping jacks, or jumping rope. Remember, the best time to stretch is when your muscles are relaxed and warm!
The Differences in Stretching
Since beach volleyball is a dynamic sport, you will need to do both dynamic and static stretches. Dynamic stretches are done as part of your pre-workout/pre-game warmup, while static stretches are generally done afterwards during cool down. Dynamic stretching is best for activating your muscles for game play, and will help prepare you and your muscles for the action. While on the other hand, with static stretches you hold the stretch in order to help increase the range of motion in your muscles.