
Beast Of The Southern Wild Sparknotes

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In the play Juicy and Delicious written by Lucy Alibar, Daddy, Hushpuppy’s father, comes across as being neglectful. Alibar foreshadows this by calling Daddy “a big, scary Southern man,” so readers now anticipate Daddy being intimidating and not a person to show a lot of emotion or weakness. In the movie Beasts of the Southern Wild directed by Benh Zeitlin with the help of Lucy Alibar, the actor, Dwight Henry, who plays Daddy Stands at 6 foot 2 inches and is a prime example of southern African American masculinity. Zeitlin casted a man who fit the physical description of Daddy very well because Henry is strong and tall. Daddy’s physical appearance is beneficial in raising Hushpuppy because he acted like nothing affected him, and he actually …show more content…

Daddy firmly disciplines Hushpuppy in order to make Hushpuppy stronger and prepared to live on his own when his father dies. Although it seems like Daddy is neglectful and verbally abusive, he believes he is being a good parent preparing his child for the harsh reality of the real world. The world is a mean and nasty place, and Daddy is doing everything he can to make ensure Hushpuppy is strong enough to take on the world on his own. Once Daddy is done being neglectful, he still prepares Hushpuppy with a lot of food and a boat for when “the end of the world” comes because at the end of the day he truly cares about his child and wants what is best for him. Daddy did a decent job of raising Hushpuppy; he was distant at times, but when it mattered he was there for Hushpuppy and made sure his child was …show more content…

He teaches Hushpuppy morales and how to display toughness in intimidating even though Hushpuppy is a girl in the movie. After the flood Hushpuppy, Daddy, and all the people they looked after in the Bathtub arrived at a clinic for safety. Daddy was attempting to breakout of the clinic and bring Hushpuppy with him, but Hushpuppy would not leave without her classmates. Hushpuppy believes in family first and no one left behind, and Daddy was the one to teach these morals to Hushpuppy. Hushpuppy is responsible and takes just after her father when putting her classmates before herself. Daddy never tells Hushpuppy to be selfish, but he leads by example. Daddy bases his parenting on leading by example but also masculinity because he treats Hushpuppy as a human, not a girl or a boy. That is why they changed the gender of the Hushpuppy for the movie because regardless of the gender Daddy would still raise his child the same. Zeitlin and Alibar come together to show change the play into a better movie because a single father raises a little girl very successful. Most girls play with dolls and obsess over makeup, but Daddy did an excellent job of not treating Hushpuppy like a little girl, but rather a kid that needed to be taught how to live on their

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