Becoming An Immigrant

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It is 1892 it has finally came to this time. Me and my mother and father and my brother and we are fixing to live Italy and move to America. I was 15 years old and my brother is 17 years old. We are leaving all of my friends and some of my family my Grandmother and my cousins to. My family has one donkey we put all our stuff on. My mom is packing her makeup and her clothes and my dad is packing the money and his clothes, my brother is packing his clothes and his pictures and I am packing my drawing’s and my pictures of my family and friends and my clothes. We all headed out into the morning time we all ate pretty good and we left. We all started walking away from home and we see the ship up ahead. And it was huge they said 1st class come …show more content…

And we saw I don’t really know what it is and then my mom and dad said that is the statue of liberty. She was beautiful she was tall and green to not my favorite color but I had to go with it. And then the ship driver and all of the other people who works on the ship said all of the people on the 1st class they went first and then the 2nd went and then 3rd we got off the ship. And then we had to wait in line for a long time we saw people going back to the ship because they were sick. And then we enter the the Great hall some of them said. It was big and there were so many workers and volunteers working and getting everyone registered. And then we were almost there and then the woman is like what is your name is and how many are there of you are you married and where were you born what year and place, and what is your occupation. And my father said four of us and the lady said ok here you go. And then we were on America and settling our new …show more content…

We start to walk out of the Great hall and we head outside and we find our brother and we were so thankful that he made it he didn’t have anything wrong with him. And then we went on a train to go look for a little house that has to bedrooms and one bath and one livingroom and one little kitchen. We had all of our stuff and the lady was asking for 40$ for the place and my father and mother were like ok we will take it. And we went in and there was just the first floor and a basement but the basement was small. And then my mother was like you to have to do the laundry and I look down at the basement I was like nope you can do it and he looked down there and said ok I will do it and you can do the dishes and was like ok fine. And then me and my brother had to be in the same room it suck but we made it through. And then my mother was like you to need to go to school and then we were like mother we don’t really know their language and thre different than us. And then she said what! You are different because you are you you are not like them and that is a good