Beethoven Transcendentalism Movement

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By imagining a world without Beethoven’s inspiration in critical spiritual movements throughout the United States history it is clear to understand the full impact of his music had in various eras. During these spiritual movements, music was used for communication within their beliefs. Moreover, Beethoven’s music was transformed into an outlet that was able to express how people felt especially during the Transcendentalism, Spiritualism, and Modernism. It is through these eras that you can identify what genre he could be placed into and the image he was a god-like figure. However, the most prominent of the movements would have to be transcendentalism
This movement dealt with the idea with the theosophy of nature and occurred during the …show more content…

A movement was mostly inspired by John S. Dwight's writings about Beethoven's music that they sacralized it (Broyles 68). People from the spiritualism movement saw Beethoven as a godly figure inspiring his deification. Sculptors depicted him similarly to a god by dressing him like a Roman god, portraying him as a Greek god, and casting several large bronze versions of his head. Committees would be formed around having plans of celebrations, lectures, tributes, and sermons all dedicated to Beethoven (Broyles 69-71). It is from this movement that there were was a defined image of Beethoven by creating statues and celebrations dedicated to him; however the original belief of his genre is …show more content…

These interpretations come from the transcendentalism, spiritualism, and modernism movements. The transcendentalism movement classified Beethoven as a Romantic artist. Following the transcendentalism movement, the spiritualism era came and they idealized Beethoven as a god. Were this godly image would stay in the modernism movement but he would be redefined as a classical composer rather than a romantic artist. In conclusion, these religious movements inspired the way our current era looks at Beethoven as a god of music, classical composer, and romantic