
Beethoven's Three Major Accomplishments

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1.0 Introduction Ludwig van Beethoven was born in the year of 16 December 1770, Bonn, Germany. Beethoven was recognized and was considered as a genius which has a gifted musical talent instil in him. Beethoven musical genius allows him to serve as a court organist at the age of 11, and he then played for Mozart at the age of 16. The incredible piano playing by Beethoven put Mozart in surprise that he said “Keep your eyes on him; some day he will give the world something to talk about” (Kamien 2008). Unfortunately, life began to fall apart when Beethoven was diagnosed with the first symptoms of deafness in his late twenties. In year 1802, Beethoven hearing started to deteriorate. Despite the failure of his hearing, he still strive for …show more content…

The first involves the classical elements which were believed to be very much influenced by Haydn and Mozart. The middle period, with the use of contrasting dynamics, wide leaps from one note to another, and the used of volatile accents was very much related to the nineteenth century music, and lastly, in his third period, chromatic harmonies were widely used (Forney and Machlis, The Enjoyment Of Music 2011) 3.0 Beethoven- Piano concerto No.5 in E flat major, Op. 73 The piano concerto no. 5 in E flat major op. 73 was Beethoven most renowned concerto in the repertoire, which was written in year 1809 in his late 30’s. The name of the piece “Emperor” till this day, still managed to rouse the public suspicion on its actual meaning (Shen 2015). The piece was written during Beethoven most difficult time, the problem wasn’t about his family, nor relationship difficulty, but it was due to the war that break out where it was believed to have a huge impact on Beethoven physically and emotionally. It was alleged that due to the war, characteristics and the nature of music written by Beethoven has changed. “Nothing but drums, cannons, human misery of every sort!” (Steinberg

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