
Who Is Responsible For Beethoven's Depression?

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Ludwig Van Beethoven was a german composer and pianist who live from December 16, 1770 to March 26, 1827 passing away at age 56 . Beethoven was considered to be the greatest composer of all time because his compositions combined vocals and instruments, making the range of sonata, symphony, concerto and quartet bigger. He also transformed the Classical and Romantic periods of western music. His personal life was a struggle though as the years went on because of his increasing deafness. As said earlier, his personal life was a struggle because of him slowly going deaf, but that is not all he struggled with. Beethoven was the third child in his family and had a musically inclined dad who was an extreme alcoholic. As Beethoven's dad started to see his sons musical talent he took advantage of his talent and wanted to make money off of him. His dad would make him practice his …show more content…

He also lived a very lonely life and ended up spending time with his nephew who relationship was affected due to his deafness and depression. The main reason for Beethoven's depression was because he became deaf. Since his whole life was spent on music and his whole career was based on music him becoming deaf was a big struggle making his depression get really bad. He even had some suicidal thoughts and was very close to taking his own life. He even decided to even give up on playing the keyboard. After 1818 he was no longer able to carry on conversations with visitors, who were forced to communicate with him in writing. The second problem arose when he became Karl's guardian upon the death of his brother in 1815. He was glad that he got custody of Karl though because he had been fighting for it. Though Karl proved to be lazy and unreliable and a continuing and added even more anxiety to beethoven. Beethoven's deafness and his temper contributed to his reputation as an unpleasant

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