Being A Helicopter Parent Essay

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Being a parent is difficult. Sometimes parents overcompensate to make themselves feel better. A deeper investigation of what a Helicopter Parent is like, the causes, and short term and long term affects on the child, help to understand the problem. A helicopter parent is overly protective of their children. Parents tend to interfere in their child’s lives to soon, which causes the child to not know how to fend for them. Many times a Helicopter Parent hovers for many reasons the main reason is that they are scared of the economy and what it might do to their child. Parents don’t realize that they are putting both long term and short-term effects on their child. If parents tend to keep hovering then how will the child learn to grow up and fend for itself. The problem of being a Helicopter Parent can be better understood by looking at what a Helicopter Parent is like, the causes, and the short and long term effects on the child. Hopefully high school students will better understand this issue and not become a helicopter parent.

Being a parent is difficult. Sometimes parents overcompensate to make themselves feel better. A deeper investigation of what a Helicopter Parents is like, the causes, and the short and long term affects on the child, help …show more content…

Teaching Helicopter Parents how to control their emotions could be key to preventing mental illnesses for their child in the future (Corderoy, 2013). There are many different psychiatric treatment centers that kids can go to if they feel there parents are being way to protective. Many times kids will feel like they cannot take care of themselves. At many colleges they don’t want the parent to feel like they shouldn’t be involved but stay out of certain things and let them fend for themselves so they can learn life lessons (Jason, 2012). Children can go to a consoler if they feel overwhelmed with their parent always doing everything for