Beliefs In Christianity Religion

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Christianity is the biggest religion in the world with over two billion believers to date. Christianity has many different denominations such as Baptist, Catholic, Orthodox, Episcopal, and Methodist, just to name a few. Even though Christianity has many different denominations most believe in an afterlife and Jesus Christ as their savor. In Christianity the belief is that God’s son Jesus died for our sins and all that believe in Jesus Christ as being our lord and savor go to heaven. The reason for all who believe in Jesus Christ go to heaven is because God put Jesus on Earth to forgive us for our sins and without believing in and accepting Jesus our sins will not be forgiven. “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever …show more content…

So God created Jesus in the Virgin Mary’s womb to spread the word of God and to die for our sins. Sins in Christianity varies from different denominations but for the most part a sin is disobeying the ten commandments and going against the teachings in the Bible. Believing and accepting Jesus Christ as our lord and savor doesn’t automatically mean that one will go to heaven just yet. God is the ultimate one who determines where everyone goes after death called judgment day. Judgment day is when you die and meet God at the pearly gates of heaven and he gives his sentencing according to some denominations but the sentencing varies from each denomination. Some denominations feel that God looks over all that one has done in a lifetime good and bad and decides. “God is just and fair and cannot let evil go unpunished” ("BBC - GCSE Bitesize: Christian Teaching"). Some denominations feel that God looks at the content of one’s heart and how strong their faith is with Christianity. Some denominations such as Roman Catholics believe in purgatory. Purgatory is a state where one goes to wait and cleanse the soul of sin before going to