Benefits And Challenges Of The Affordable Care Act

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.” Health reform has the potential to help by providing premium assistance and lowering out-of-pocket costs” (Schoen et al ,2011).
Affordable Health Care Act 0f 2010 can also be referred to as Obamacare was implemented to help Americans to have access to affordable and quality healthcare services. It has drastically the number of uninsured and underinsured individuals. Those with chronic medical conditions on high bills with little income and are underinsured between 2003 and 2012 increased by almost 80%, although, they have an insurance plan with inadequate coverage which makes them open to costs they cannot pay. The implementation of this Affordable Health Care Act has decreased the number of people that are underinsured by almost 70%, improved …show more content…

• Cost Concerns: Some Americans still cannot pay their health care bill because of the high cost despite the subsidy by the Affordable Care Act.
• Unequal Impact: There is unequal access to care for people of color and low-income earners despite the Affordable Care Act
In addition, “Outreach and education efforts to enroll the remaining uninsured could make further headway in addressing access and affordability gaps, particularly those with incomes in the range targeted by the ACA’s Medicaid expansion and subsidies for Marketplace coverage” (Shartzer et al 2016)
In conclusion, according to the study conducted by (McKenna et all 2018) that pre-implementation to post-implementation of the Affordable Care Act in relation to access to health care, utilization of health care, and financial strain has an impact on people with income just above the eligibility threshold for Medicaid

What are the limitations of the Affordable Care Act over the universal healthcare

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