Vegetable Diet Research Paper

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Muscular strength does not come from eating of flesh foods. And we also forget that plant foods can best supply your needs for health, support, strength, and maintenance of your body. So probably it’s time to change diets. Actually it’s not hard to go meatless. Shifting to a vegetable diet is much economical.

Here are some reasons why we should go for a meatless diet.

Plants can supply all the necessities for the body to work well
Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals needed by our body can all be taken from plant sources like vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, or roots.

Plants are producers or Heterotrophs
Through photosynthesis, they can manufacture starch, sucrose, and other forms of carbohydrates-preferred sources of …show more content…

Since plants produce their own food, the food energy that comes directly from them is higher than the energy derived from meat.

Meat is digested at an extra expenditure of energy
It takes at least five hours to three days for a piece of flesh food to be digested and absorbed by the body, and its undigested bulk to be excreted. In contrast, it takes only 10 to 45 minutes for the body to process plant foods, thus, they are easily assimilated.
Human teeth are not designed to tear flesh like those of carnivore animals. Man’s teeth are designed most likely those of grazing animals or herbivorous. Even our digestive system, it is not designed for digesting meat. Some undigested meat may stay long in our large intestines that may start colon cancer.

Meat can be a source of disease
Disease-causing agents in meat such as parasites, viruses, and bacteria may be conveyed to humans. Even fish grown in contaminated water can convey to humans poisons of factory wastes. Through meat eating, excess cholesterol and other disease-causing poly-saturated fats get into body, (Importantly, saturated fats such as cholesterol are made solely by animals which must not be fed into the body.) Also meat provides fats that may accumulate as baggage of fat deposits in the body. This may cause problems in flexibility, breathing, and general health and …show more content…

Consider a gradual shift from your usual meat-full to meatless diet, and the availability and cost of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and roots. Here are some tips to help you plan for the switch.

Change diet gradually
Allow your body to adjust to the new diet. Eliminate animal foods one at a time and introduce plant foods little by little. Plan a daily menu which includes more green and leafy vegetables, and carbohydrates with enough amounts of proteins and oil.

• Avoid Sweets
Sugar sets the craving for more food and your change of diet may be hampered.

• Minimize the use of spices, salt, and oil
They excite the taste buds and cause a want for more simulating food.

• Never take tea, coffee, tobacco, and