Benefits Of Blood Transfusion

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Blood for transfusion is safe Introduction The first experiments involving blood transfusion were conducted on dogs in the 1660s. Two centuries later, blood transfusion from one human to another was performed. In the early years of its clinical application, whole blood was transfused. The development of blood fractionating techniques in the middle of XX century enabled the use of different blood components according to the patients’ clinical need. The use of fractionated blood products enabled not only better targeted interventions but the efficiency in the use of blood units as well (Giangrande, 2000). Safe blood transfusion is important life-saving procedure, but it has its good and bad sides. Without it, patients would die or their recovery …show more content…

For instance, blood serves as a replacement of blood lost during haemorrhage; platelets are used to stop postoperative bleeding; erythrocytes provide oxygen which is important for patients with severe anaemia. Through plasma transfusion, individuals with haemophilia get clotting factors while individuals at a risk of certain infections get immunoglobulins necessary passive immunity. Albumin from plasma may be used in treatments of traumatic shock or extensive burns (Armstrong, …show more content…

It can be concluded that benefits of the blood transfusion are incomparable to its risks. Nevertheless, the awareness of the blood transfusion risks has opened a new chapter in the blood transfusion regulation, in terms of blood safety and quality, in order to maximize the safety of the patients. It is important to focus on the critical points of the blood transfusion procedure, for instance the standardization of donor selections and correct recipient identification, the safe and correct blood management (collection, processing, storage, and transportation), but as well as the education of health-care professionals, patients and general public on blood transfusion benefits and risks. According to the Serious Adverse Blood Reactions and Events (SABRE) reporting data (Bolton-Maggs et al. 2016), the UK is one of the safest countries in the world regarding the blood transfusion. Still further efforts must be made in order to improve the quality and safety of blood and its components for the blood