Benefits Of Tanning Lotion

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"You probably know a little bit about tanning. You know that you need to either get some sun or get into a tanning booth if you want to get a good tan. And you also know that there are some health risks associated with tanning so you're aware that you have to take some basic common sense precautions when tanning. But do you know about the importance of using tanning lotion when you are tanning? Many people who know about basic tanning stuff aren't aware that tanning lotion is crucial for good tanning practices.

There are a number of different benefits to using tanning lotion instead of just tanning on your own without lotion. Some of these benefits include:

o Instant gratification. Okay, well it's not quite instant but one of the major benefits of tanning with a lotion is that it speeds up the process of tanning so that you can get the look that you want without having to invest so much time in getting it. This is great for people who have an upcoming event that they want to be tan for, as well as for people who are just generally too busy to spend a lot of time on tanning. …show more content…

Tanning lotion is a lotion and therefore it gives your skin some of the moisture that it needs which improves the all-over appearance and health of your skin.

o Reduced risk of sun damage. Tanning lotion protects your skin from the harmful effects of tanning. This means that you have a lower risk of cancer and decreased aging effects when you tan using a tanning lotion. Most people consider this the best of all of the benefits of tanning lotion.

o Regular use of tanning lotion can assist you in enhancing the tone of your natural tan. This means that when you wear tanning lotion during the day as you go about your normal outdoor activities, you're improving your