Benito Mussolini Research Paper

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Benito Mussolini was born on July 29, 1883 in Davia Di Predappio, Italy. His father Alessandro was a blacksmith and impassioned socialist, his mother Rosa was a Catholic school teacher and provided the family with a steady income. Mussolini was very intelligent as a child but also very disobedient and got expelled from many schools for bullying and defying authority. After Mussolini graduated he obtained his teaching certificate and was a schoolmaster for a short time in 1901. In 1902 he left his home in Italy and moved to Switzerland to further promote Socialism, but was later expelled from the country after catching the attention of the Swiss authorities. He then moved back to Italy and became the editor of the Avanti(Forward) newspaper. That is when Mussolini realized he had a larger megaphone and could expand his influence. He then quit the paper and started his career. ( 2004). Mussilino may have done some bad things in his lifetime but he was an excellent very confident leader, he gave people hope and earned their trust. …show more content…

His father taught him to defy authority and never be weak, this was one of the reasons he was so passionate about what he did and pushed so hard to get power. His major drive for power started after he quit the paper and joined the italian army in 1915, he thought if he could climb the ranks he would gain more power and after the war was over could be placed as a moyjo figure in the government. He was discharged that same year for being wounded. After being discharged he started several right wing groups known as the Blackshirts who terrorized political opponents and criticized the government. When Italy slipped into political chaos in 1922 Mussolini said he could restore order and was given authority. He then made himself dictator in 1925. (