Benjamin Franklin And Politics Essay

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In the last part of the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin it really starts to talk about politics. Also another big part of section three was about his experiments that he conducted throughout his life. After he writes his papers about all of his experiments he becomes famous very fast. After he became so famous for his experiments he thought he was unstoppable. When all of the politics came into play for him he was helping with the war. Anytime anyone else tried to do anything Benjamin would always whine about it. “ Remarking on accusations that Saunders does not exist, Franklin, through Saunders, complains, “This is not civil Treatment, to endeavour to deprive me of my very Being, and reduce me to a Non-entity in the Opinion of the publick.”” …show more content…

“This is a playful nod to the notion of impersonality implicit in print media, even as Franklin revolutionized the almanac genre by creating a sustained, realistic literary character”(paragraph 1 Thompson). Ben was always taking a part of something or if someone did something half the time he took credit for it. He was a very self centered man who thought that he should have everything not matter what it was. “Michael Warner has characterized Franklin’s jokes on authorship as an exercise in self-negation, removing the notion (and standard social criteria) of authorship as he instantiates a public sphere.” (paragraph 2 Thompson). Lots of people at this time realized what Franklin was doing was a very bad thing but they let it go on because so many people looked up to him. No one was really willing to stand up to him so many people had their inventions stolen and Ben got all the credit for other people's work. “ In contrast to Warner’s assertion that print allows for public discourse because it “represents a public vision from a nonparticular perspective”” (paragraph 3 Thompson) The newspaper would put how others felt about what Franklin was