Bertrand Russell's Accomplishments

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In the beginning, there were mathematicians and thinkers alike that all ponder upon the universe and the ideas that coincide. In that early stage, not all common thoughts were devised, but within the course of many lifetimes, the concepts and ideologies that all students and professors of math would use, would come to existence. Bertrand Russell contributed to many areas of world betterment, but he shined most bright in the mathematics community, where he would one day become a great.
On the 18th of May in 1872 in the UK, Viscount and Katherine Amberley gave birth to a child of greatness; Bertrand Russell. Even though he did not know it yet, his life would be full of many trials (and wives). Bertrand’s life started off very rough. When Bertrand …show more content…

His governess paid private tutors to provide his education (B). With his tutors being French and German, Bertrand became fluent in both. This did give him an upper hand and allowed language barriers not to slow down his independent education. He started furthering his education at Trinity College in Cambridge. Bertrand finished up his education with a double major. Not only did he major in both mathematics and moral sciences, but Bertrand also received a first class distinction in philosophy (A).
In the summer of 1894, Bertrand left Cambridge to work for the British embassy located in Paris. In that same summer, Bertrand married Miss Alys Pearsall Smith. After deciding to move on from Paris, Bertrand found himself in Berlin. Between 1894-1900, he studied social democracy in Berlin. He then moved to Haslemere where he spent most of his time studying philosophy (A).
At the Mathematical Congress in Paris, Bertrand Russell was introduced to the works of a fellow mathematician, Peano. Following the convention, Bertrand focused his studies on the works of Peano and his pupils. Upon that focus, in 1903, Bertrand Russell wrote The Principles of Mathematics. This document helped extend the works and ideas presented by Peano(A). Bertrand helped Peano’s idea that math was precise and scientific, rather than full of philosophical variables. This would become the framework for modern-day mathematicians around the world