Best Practice Presentation

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Best Practice Presentation
DSM Sub-group on Digital skills and jobs
1. DOMINO – Panel of the Best USE OF ICT in EDUCATION
(Dynamic, Open, Motivating, Innovative, Narrative, Original) learning objects for all teachers community
Motto: “Teaching is like Playing DOMINO”

2. Which digital skills challenge does this initiative address and how?
Because this initiative is basically focused on teachers, the most important digital competences which can be acquired from use of the initiative to understand that digital technology use has to be efficacious and not spectacular. Teacher is not taught to learn specific ICT tools, but he/she could understand and see real impacts of technologies for increasing children competences and especially motivation. Both kids and teachers are learning if they see and feel challenge in education. For both sides DOMINO is a tool for first shallow dives into learning immersion.
Specific goals are then in increasing teacher competences to understand digital teaching, to see digital tools as support and not goals of teaching.
DOMINO respects old educational rule: that such object could be also defined as “EDU KISS”, something which is Small and Simple.

3. Description of the initiative …show more content…

The book also presents two supportive tools – Teacher Competency Model according to UNESCO methodology and Poll of the Best educational online tools . All of these tools are generally accessed and give teachers immediate comparison of their personal abilities. The second tool should be used as the benchmark for educational activities showing effective methods. This approach doesn´t generally expect complex creation of DOMINO objects, but give them chance to use widely common tricks and aids which can be effectively implemented into traditional