Beth Bloggs: The Legend Of The Junk

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While investigating the death of a local student, a courageous student named Beth Bloggs uncovers a legend about a supernaturally cursed desk; located in the old elementary that she used to attend. As soon as any one uses the desk, they have exactly a week left to live. Beth sets out to go to the school, because she doesn’t believe in the superstition. She sits down at the desk, and a collage of images flash into her mind. When Beth comes back to a state of reality, Beth realizes that she has scratch-mark properties, she now knows the curse of the desk is true, and calls in her best friend; a student named Laury for help. Laury decides to go to the school herself because she doesn’t believe in myths and stories, unless she sees it, with her own …show more content…

One paper hanging on the wall struck her attention though. It stated: “ In 1988 two boys stuck a rat inside of the desk to scare, a certain boy that they had picked on over the years. The two boys had no idea he was deathly allergic to rats and anything with fur. While he sat down, he couldn’t breath and started to get blurry vision. Suddenly, many visions of death flashed before his eyes, and he was gone just like that. Now anyone who sits in the desk, will get flashbacks of death and will have exactly a week to live, because the boy wants revenge on the students who were the cause of death for him. Even though, they are not the same students; he believes that all students are just as terrible as the boys.” Laury spotted the desk in the corner of the room and sat down at it. Nothing happened at first so Laury was beginning to believe it was all fake, until a collage of images flashed through her mind, the same images that flashed through Beth’s mind; Herself lying in a grave, an old newspaper headline about a hit and run accident, a hooded person holding a wrench, and

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