
Better Than Hum Why Robots Will And Must – Take Our Jobs

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With the rise in technology in the last few decades, its effects are more visible with the invention of not only computers, but also smartphones and powerful search engines like Google. Technology impacts different aspects of our daily lives; for instance, search engines and computers contribute efficiency, but smartphones and other software create barriers between people. Some experts consider technology is a tradeoff in efficiency, but some favor one over the other. In the book They Say, I say, experts like Kevin Kelly, Nicholas Carr, Clive Thompson, and Sherry Turkle express their views on the effect of technology recently and in the future. For example, Kelly and Thompson argue technology rewards us with extreme efficiency and integrates …show more content…

In his essay “Better than Human: Why Robots Will and Must – Take Our Jobs,” Kelly affirms that robots will replace us in our jobs in the future. Furthermore, he claims the effectiveness of robots replicating our jobs will yield more opportunities for humans in a new field. Kelly considers the robot takeover is a cycle, which provides efficiency and refinement. As Kelly points out how the cycle is similar to the Industrial Revolution, he recalls, “Two hundred years ago, 70 percent of American workers lived on the farm. Today automation has eliminated all but 1 percent of their jobs, replacing them with machine. Those who once farmed were now manning the legions of factories that churned out farm equipment, cars and other industrial products. Since then, wave upon wave of new occupation have arrived – appliance repairman, offset printer, food chemist, photographer, web designer” (Kelly 299-300). With Kelly’s assumption that robots will take over our jobs, the quote exemplifies how machinery and technology can not only improve us with efficiency, but also serves as a method to discover new innovative jobs and activities that we cannot achieve without technology. Therefore, with the refinement of automation, Kelly expects technology pushes us into a positive direction that we will never reach without

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