Beverly Jimenez, also known as, ‘Dr.Sissy’, stretches out of her petite, cozy office and steps into the ample operatory with dark orange walls and sticky purple chairs. Sounds of suction and the metal clanking of tools can be heard. She is asked to take a look at her patient's teeth whenever she is ready. She takes a seat on the low stool and opens her metal tools from their blue transparent package. She begins to examine the teeth of a young girl. Jimenez’ smooth chocolaty brown hair glistens under the bright white light. It is hard to hear her talk because of the baby blue surgical mask that is strapped from ear to ear covering her mouth. Once she finishes the examination, she calmly strolls back to her desk to continue her paperwork. The chatter of the young women at the desk can be heard from the waiting room. They are trying to decide which scrubs to buy as they wait for new patients to check in. The young girl who recently received a cleaning walks out of the operatory with a blue toothbrush in her hand. She stops by the brown treasure chest to pick out a small trinket and skips back to her mother.
As Jimenez quietly sits on her blue rubber ball chair with her wrinkled purple scrubs, her brown earrings dangle. Once her gentle smile appears on
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She grew up with a surgeon for a father and a stay-at-home mother who eventually became a nurse. Jimenez recalls that she always admired her father as a surgeon and he inspired her to pick a health profession. When she was in college, her father told her that he believed dentistry would be a better fit for her than medicine. As she entered dental school, Jimenez knew she wanted to specialize in pediatrics. She has a strong passion for working with children. “I love working with kids and doing dentistry because I feel that it contributes to their health,” Jimenez comments in her soft