
Big Bluestem Indication

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Indicator species reveal important site information; they expose soil conditions (moisture, nutrients and productivity) and past disturbances (disturbances regime, change in the use of land, and history of land use) (Keane, 2015). Although some species (Ragweed, Heath Aster, White Sage) are able to show certain conditions on site, it is important to choose a species with a narrow tolerance for certain environments as an indicator species (Keane, 2015). In Marlatt Park the significant indicator species are shown in table 4. Big Bluestem, also known as Andropogon gerardii, are located in deep, fertile, and dry soils (SITE). Big Bluestem is observed throughout Marlatt Park. At the top of the cuestas Big Bluestem becomes much shorter in the shallower Florence-Benfield soils; it becomes more dominant at the bottom of the cuesta which consists of …show more content…

Hairy Gramas are usually found at the top of cuestas in Marlatt Park with Florence-Benfield soils. Similarly to Hairy Grama, Hypericum perforatum also known as St. John’s-Wort indicates shallow and dry soil conditions (Keane, 2015). St. John’s Wort can be found at the top of the cuestas in the Park (start of the Far North Transect Line and plot 4 of the Northeast Transect Line). Southern Ragweed or Ambrosia bidentata is observed in disturbed land or compacted soils (Keane, 2015). Disturbed land in Washington Marlatt Memorial Park is near trails and paths that are traveled heavily by pedestrians (Plot 2 in Far North Transect Line and Plot 8 in Southeast Transect Line). Southern Ragweed can also be found in the stream banks because of erosion and the compaction of soil caused by the flow of water (SITE). Much like Southern Ragweed, White Sage (Artemisia ludoviciana) indicates disturbed sites such as trails, paths, and roadsides (SITE). Moreover, White Sage appears in wet soil conditions (Southeast Transect

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