
Big Brother 1984 Analysis

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Separating the poor from the rich causes a lack of communication and understanding between the two classes. Big Brother segregates the proles and the outer-party members to aid in the prevention of revolution.
Proles make up 85 percent of Oceania’s population, but they lack the ability of higher thinking. On the other hand, outer-party members are intelligent, but lack in numbers. If the proles and the outer-party members conspire together there would be a mass of people to revolt, and people to lead that revolution. In opposition to this theory, Big Brother has manipulated the outer-party into believing that the proles are less of humans; thus, a social gap between the two classes was created. The people of Oceania are being restricted from communicating between classes. Big Brother forced the outer-party members to act completely loyal to the principles of INGSOC, making it seem as if any one of them could report a prole to the thoughtpolice. Both social classes are frightened by the other, and little do the people of Oceania know, they are doing …show more content…

In America public desegregation of race was not fully implemented until the 1970’s, and the effects of segregation still last to this day. In the 1930’s, federal housing agencies made maps marking neighborhoods where banks should make investments and where they should not, this was called redlining. Instead of basing regions on income, housing agencies marked areas where black people lived as non-viable for investments. Black people were then forced into poverty that caused even more stereotypes regarding their culture. Living in an impoverished area does not mean that the people there are lazy and stupid, there is just a lack of opportunities for them. To this day there is a stigma in America that the poor just do not try hard enough, and sadly much of the poor are black because of racist policies from the

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