Big Life Story

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It all stared at Iowa, where one kid did it all. To name some like career to college to high school to middle school and many more, but there is no way to name them all. Read the hard grooming story of Drew Roth through the hard twist of the story. Read more to find out what happened in the new bio of Drew’s Big Life Story. It stated as a normal day in Iowa and then 6:00 the world had one more person to take care of and his name is Andrew Roth. I was born at Finley hospital and I was born purple is what my mom said. I stared to walk around 7 or 8 months. I also was a happy baby and I love to always like be active. I was a little heavy when my grandpa on my mom side tried to carry me, I broke his back and same thing with my big brother. I was also a very clumsy baby when I was 3 I fell off a giant exercise ball and hit my head on the chest we had in my grandparents basement I had to go to the …show more content…

I had so much fun. I use to play football at recess, but now we do not have the fourth grade I had a chance for sports and I did basketball and football and track. I really did not like the couches so I dropped out of it so I just stared to do track and football. In football I did not do so well in tryouts I got a wide receiver and running back and I really wanted to be a QB. In track I did really good I got everything I wanted I had discus and shot put and I also did a 400 meter and got close to 3 but someone tied and I got 5th. In 5th grade I did a lot better in football I got my QB and I got defenses of line and we got so much sack and we won 0 to41 us. In 5th grade track I did not do so well, but I got 3rd in Feld and then football was coming the worst thing happened had appendicitis . So they let me go out still but I miss about 1 week of school and another one to get checked up on to make shore I can do active