Bilbo As A Hero In The Hobbit

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Most people think of heroes as brave, smart, and strong people. However, a person does not require these qualities to be considered a hero. Heroes come in all shapes and sizes and vary in personalities. It is no fun having a hero who is the same as everyone else. In fact, they might not even be a brave person. Take Bilbo Baggins for example. He was certainly not a brave, daring and adventurous person to start with. In the beginning he was a mellow hobbit with no intentions of going on any adventures. But this all soon changed, and rather quickly, but also steady-paced. Bilbo may have not been a hero when he first tagged along with the dwarves, but his Tookish side slowly turned him into a hero. Or at least more of a hero than he was in the start. …show more content…

Bilbo turns more Tookish throughout the book, and really has become a hero of some sort. On his journey he has saved the lives of his comrades through brave actions, and he has even saved himself from tough situations. He uses that Took side to his advantage, considering he was born for adventure from the start. Bilbo just never thought of really going out on adventures; that was the thing holding him back. While on their journey, Bilbo becomes separated and finds a magical ring that helps him and his comrades in the future. He came across this ring in a cave that was home to a creature named Gollum. Supposedly this ring had belonged to the creature, but Bilbo was able to take it; he made it out with the ring, and uses it to not only help himself, but to help his companions. In fact, later on Bilbo used the ring, which can turn him invisible, to help the dwarves from spiders who had captured them. In the process, Bilbo slays a spider, and feels more confident about

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