Bilbo Is A Hero In The Hobbit

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Bilbo is a hero in several ways. Bilbo is hero for going on the quest in the first place. Bilbo is also a hero because he saved the dwarves from giant spiders. Bilbo is also a hero because he saved the dwarves from the elves. Bilbo is a hero for going on the adventure in the first place. It is again a hobbit's nature to go adventures. For hobbits going on adventure is not resectable to go adventures. Bilbo when on the adventure because they did not have enough people he felt bad for them. Bilbo wanted to help them in their time of need. Another, reason Bilbo is a hero because he save the dwarves from giant spiders. The dwarves were trapped in the giant spider's web Bilbo could have left and been on her merry way. If Bilbo was not

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