Bilbo's Personal Growth In The Hobbit By J. R.

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Throughout Bilbo's journey in The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien, Bilbo is showing the ability of his personal growth. Bilbo Baggins and a Wizard with the name of Gandalf and others have set off to go on an adventure, but Bilbo is very timid and feels as if he has to prove himself. The traits Bilbo gains on his journeys such as courage, bravery, and wisdom lead to his success. Before one can begin a new era and develop courage, he has to make a choice he would have never made before and leave his place of comfort, by leaving his hobbit hole. Just as Bilbo chooses of leaving his home he instantly regrets it, “Just as that moment he felt more tired than he ever remembered feeling before. He was thinking once again of his comfortable chair before the fire …show more content…

“We shall be bruised and battered to pieces, and drowned too, for certain! They muttered. “We thought you had got some sensible notion when you managed to get hold of the keys. This is mad idea!” (195). While Bilbo and the rest of his group were trying to find a way out of the forest of Mirkwood. All the dwarves were captured by the armed wood elves, and since Bilbo had the ring, he became invisible so he was not captured. Bilbo had followed all of the dwarves hidden from the elves and from the Elvenking who threw all of the dwarves into separate cells. Bilbo had shown dedication of bravery by hiding and staying with the dwarves for a week or two when others would have left. Having the bravery to try his best, by giving messages to his company while they were all locked up when he knew he was risking the fact of being caught and thrown into a prison cell. Bilbo knew he had already taken one thing once and would have to do it again to save his peers. Bilbo had taken the guard's key who had fallen asleep, Bilbo had come up with a plan for everyone to get out of

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