
Bill Clinton Accomplishments

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Bill Clinton, for the people that do not know was once the president of the United States,

he was actually the 42nd president, and 2nd to be impeached. He oversaw the country’s longest

peacetime economic expansion. Before his Presidential career, he had a strong back story. His

father William Jefferson, died in a car crash just before he was born. Although neither his parents

nor his grandparents were religious, Clinton became a devoted Baptist from a very young age.

On Sunday mornings, he woke himself up, put on his best dress clothes and walked half a mile to

Park Place Baptist Church to attend services alone. Bill Clinton is an important leader to this

country because he created millions of new jobs and lowered crime rates, he helped …show more content…

Kennedy. He changed a lot of

problems in America. During Clinton's presidency, 22.5 million new jobs were created and

unemployment dropped from 7.5% from when he took office to 4.0% by the end of his second

term, it was the lowest in 30 years. He also declined crime rates and budget surplus. Since 1992,

reading and math scores have increased for 4th, 8th, and 12th graders, Math SAT scores are at a

30­year high, the number of charter schools has grown from 1 to more than 2,000, forty­nine

states have put in place standards in core subjects and federal investment in education and

training has doubled. President Clinton and Vice President Gore's new commitment to education

technology, including the E­Rate and a 3,000 percent increase in educational technology

funding, increased the percentage of schools connected to the Internet from 35 percent in 1994 to

95 percent in 1999.

Secondly, Clinton brought the attention of outdated technology to the public throughout

his presidential term. He wanted to help the military by activating GPS or (Global Position

System). He wanted to focus on lower level damage weapons, and this lowered casualty …show more content…

The Environmental Protection Agency and Justice Department prosecuted 241

environmental­related crimes in 1999, more than twice as many as in 1992, the year before

Clinton took office. During his Presidential term, Clinton failed to deal with the threat of Osama

Bin Laden, which who was involved in the September 11 2001 attacks. Clinton was too

distracted by scandals such as the threat of impeachment to take action against Al Qaeda.

Lastly, when Clinton took office in 1993 his main goal was health care. Clinton was little

prepared for such a big task that the Senate declared that his plan would never pass. Even

though, he did sign the Newborn and Mothers Health Protection Act, which allowed women to

stay longer in the hospital after giving birth. He also funded research for a vaccine that would kill

the HIV/AIDS virus. It increased the fight for AIDS over 150 percent. Another act that Clinton

passed was the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993. This raised taxes on the top income

rate from 28 percent to 39 percent. Just as the 1980s economic boom followed a tax increase

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