
Bill Gates Research Paper

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William Henry Gates III, now known as Bill Gates was born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington (Biography.com Editors, 2017). From an early age, Gates excelled academically, enjoyed reading, and was very competitive, yet withdrawn at the same time (Biography.com Editors, 2017). Concerned for his social wellbeing, his parents enrolled him in Lakeside School at the age of 13 (Biography.com Editors, 2017). One of the perks of the school was the ability for students to play with computers. At the time, Gates programmed games in BASIC, where other students could play games against the computer (Biography.com Editors, 2017). Furthermore, for Gates to be so young and yet so creative, self-reliant, and adaptable to the new technology, for him to create games for others is a great example of an entrepreneurial trait. Ironically, Gates met Paul Allen at Lakeside School, who …show more content…

In 1970, they both developed a program called Traf-o-data, which monitored traffic patterns in Seattle, which marked the first paid development for the two (Biography.com Editors, 2017). Then in 1973, Gates attended Harvard Law School, however, he spent most of his time computing (Biography.com Editors, 2017). Gates’ desire to continue computing regardless of his school duties shows the entrepreneurial trait of commitment and determination for his passion. Later, Allen brought Gates an article on the first rendition of a personal computer, called the Altair 8800 made by Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) (Biography.com Editors, 2017). Subsequently, Gates and Allen contacted Ed Roberts, the owner of MITS, to see if he was interested in a BASIC interpreter for his computer (Biography.com Editors, 2017). Roberts expresses interest in a demo, which was successful (Biography.com Editors,

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