Billy Pilgrim's Slaughterhouse-Five Analysis

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In Slaughterhouse Five, Billy Pilgrim had been traumatized by his World War II experience. To keep sane, he used many events or aspects mentioned in the book to heal himself from the war. One of the ways Billy did this was through the Tralfamadorians viewpoint of free will. The other ways he healed were through time travel, and traveling to Tralfamadore. These three healing experiences cause for a very unusual war healing for Billy. Throughout the entire book, Billy is always talking about the Tralfamadorians. It is also not clear if it is a dream, real, or just his imagination. This shows that he uses the aliens as something to heal from the war. An example would be how everything that happens in Tralfamadore relates to things that actually …show more content…

He hadn 't been missed, he said, because the Tralfamadorians had taken him through a time warp, so that he could be on Tralfamadore for years, and still be away from Earth for only a microsecond. He felt that he was able to be away from Earth for less than a second, but he most likely dreaming or in a daze, which caused him to miss his daughters wedding. There are lots of examples of Tralfamadore in the book, but how did this help him heal. A reason this could be a healing aspect for him is because it helps him forget about his war experiences. He is able to go into a fictional world that has nothing to do with war. When Billy was on Tralfamadore he learned lots of things, but one that helped Billy heal from war was the idea of free will. The Tralfamadorions told Billy that free will was not true because eveything was destined. This is because they viewed time with a broad perspective. An example of this would be from the end of …show more content…

I learned that on Tralfamadore. ' Alongside Billy’s constant thoughts about Tralfamadore, he also time travels in the book. For most people, thinking about the past doesn 't help you forget about it, but for Billy it may have had a healing factor for him. This is because he was able to time travel away from things that he found uncomfortable. For example, throughout the book he was able to time travel when he was in scenes of war, such as when he with Roland Weary: “He was back in the Second World War again, behind the German lines. The person who was shaking him was Roland Weary. Weary had gathered the front of Billy 's field jacket into his hands. He banged Billy against a tree, … power.” Another example is from Chapter 3: “The captain was a chaplain. He was a rabbi. He had been shot through the hand. Billy traveled in time, opened his eyes, found himself staring into the