Billy's Boy

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25) The two ways of tell time would be the traditional way of following the sun or the modern way by using a watch. This symbolizes the women and this background and how each of them learned something from on another.
24) Since the mother is going through a divorce all she wants is her son but the father is not going to let that happen so the snake symbolizes the father taking away the son from the mother.
23) A memoir is a collection of memories that an individual writes about moments or events, either public or private that took place in the subject's life. Elements to make a story a memoir would be it has to be in first person talking about the memories the author has experienced.
22) I think the setting is a symbol of the man himself. They describe the man as a dirty, smelly, poor guy and his room is described in the same way. …show more content…

The imagery highlighted in the man’s living situation would be rugged, strange, dirty, “he regards his room as the country. It is strange and familiar. It is foreign, yet it is home. It is dirty.”
20) The allusion at the beginning of “One of Billy’s Boys” would be him thinking of a time long ago in Hong Kong about his friend Billy Tingle. It is a memory of them running around a tram station and Billy yelling “sportsman and a gentleman!” (329) This allusion sets up the theme for the rest of the story by giving us an opening to what will happen as we continue to