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Race and the criminal justice system: racial profiling essay
Race and the criminal justice system: racial profiling essay
Racial profiling and criminal justice
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From his uncontrollable drug dependence in which he “viewed narcotics as most people regard food” to his extensive hustler lifestyle, he was consumed with the action on the streets (141). Caught in
Leaders such as Mrs. Bailey and J.T show how those in authorities misuse their position and promote drug abuse, sexual intrigue and violence. For instance, Mrs. Bailey could pay young men to have sex with her (Venkatesh, 2009. C- Note is used to as an example of how the hustlers struggle with life as he does different types of jobs so as to earn some dollars for life. The author also shows how the police department is corrupt and how they are violent themselves instead of helping fight violence. This means that there are no appropriate measures in place to curb drug trafficking, crime and violence.
and he didn’t want to take the chance of losing a new customer. “He couldn’t stop thinking about the money he could make off that sale- almost exactly enough to take care of this date. ”(113) This shows that he values his work more than the chance of staying out of jail. If he had listened to himself on knowing it was a cop he wouldn’t have ended up getting arrested and
Many poor individuals in inner-city neighborhoods are often forced into the business. To truly understand what it means to be a drug offender forced into the business because of economic reasons, I turned to the documentary, “The House I Live In.” Cruz from the documentary, began selling drugs to support his parents, and when he started to become successful at it, he became addicted to the drugs. Cruz was a student before his parents ran into financial struggles. An innocent young adult that loved to play soccer, is now serving a 30 year sentence because he needed to help his parents pay their
Do dreams have an evolutionary function? In this essay I will discuss Flanagan’s reasons for believing consciousness is an adaptation, I also will discuss why sleep is an adaptation and his stance on dreams being spandrels. And I will end with my opinion on why dreams may or may not be significant based on Flanagan’s theory and the treat simulation theory. I will also discuss the reasons why or why not dreams may have an evolutionary function.
For example, agencies have been established with the sole intent to manage drug use and distribution and technology has been exclusively developed to detect the presence of drugs. Yet, evidence has indicated that such exhaustive efforts have been relatively unsuccessful. First, it has been assumed that drugs have perpetuated violence in society and based on this rationale, it was believed that by the suppressing the pervasiveness of drugs that incidents of violence would simultaneously diminish. However, reality has failed to align with the expectations that had initially been anticipated. Research findings have suggested that the decriminalization of drugs would result in a less adversarial drug market in which conflicts have tended to arise among dealers as well as between dealers and buyers (Common Sense for Drug Policy, 2007, p. 21).
These flaws make the biological basis of the race concept an untenable idea. The first flaw with the biological basis of the race concept is that features attributed to race vary in a clinal fashion rather than being broken into different categories. Perhaps the most iconic feature attributed to race is skin color, but skin color cannot be broken into discrete categories. As “Race the Power of an Illusion” demonstrated in the first episode, skin color variation in humans can be seen as a gradient where the similarity between variations can be determined by geographical distance.
The topic on rather or not most Americans are discriminatory towards minorities is an ongoing debate being argued in many recent controversies. For example, the Ahmed Mohamed Controversy. This controversy has been taking place since September 16, 2015. It involves a 14 year old freshmen who attended a Irving Texas high school. This freshmen was arrested and interrogated while being accused of bringing a hoax bomb to school.
Drugs are the dangerous substances that will destroy the consumer both physically and mentally; therefore, it is necessary to determine these substances restrictively. In order to do that, I am strongly assuring that the drugs should be legalized. There are three main reasons why the drugs should be legalized: diminution of crime rates, health guarantee, and extending of drugs regulation. Drugs are one of the crime sources, although not by the drugs, itself, but the condition. Illegal drugs are rare products that could not be found in the normal market, the cost for its rarity is totally expensive.
The continuous use of narcotics results in addiction, and financial struggles due to the costly upkeep. “Financial problems are one of the major side effects of drug and substance abuse” (Buaggett, 2015). Addicts cannot adequately take an active role in the economic activities, as the use of drugs inhibits the abilities of the users to earn a daily living. Due to the instability of finances, this would result in selling personal belongings to continue funding the substance of choice, and depending on the addicts living situation, this could lead to losing their house or being removed from their current housing. While being under the influence, an addicts voice of reason is jeopardized, resulting in criminal activities which raise the chances of being apprehended by the law enforcers, as well as, heavy fines are imposed.
What is Behavior Genetics? Behavior Genetics is of study is the field that of study searches for the influence of heredity and environment on individual differences in human traits and development (Santrock, 2013). Behavior Geneticists goals are to study what is responsible for the differences among people, or to what extent do people vary based on differences in genes, environment, or a combination of the both (Santrock, 2013). Types of Research Behavior Geneticists Organize and Purpose of Research There are three major types of research they focus on.
Darwin’s greatest concerned was with why there so many different types of species in the world. According to Raymond Scupin and Christopher R.DeCorse, Natural Selection can be defined as nature deciding which specie shall survive and which gene shall be passed on from parent to offspring. Darwin having brought about a lot of confusion and fascination about in the science field because most scientists didn’t see how he could have come across these findings and at the same time other scientists were intrigued by these findings.
The notion of Natural Selection defined by Darwin, is basically the Survival of Fittest--“the preservation of favourable individual differences and variations, and the destruction of those which are injurious.” [Darwin, natural selection] Through this process, if the time is infinitely long, the nature can always choose the most suitable to survive, eliminate the ones who do not adapt themselves to the environment. For instance, there is an area which is passing through a climatic change. Some of the residents there will undergo a change straight away in order to keep up with the living environment, some other species who cannot will likely be extinct.
The nature vs. nurture debate centers on whether human behaviour and personality are inherited (nature) or acquired (nurture); in other words, whether a person’s environment or a person’s genetic inheritance determines their behaviour and personality. Goldsmith and Harman (1994) adopt a neutral position, in which both nature and nurture influence people, stating that they “believe that the fundamental issue concerns the interplay between characteristics of the individual and of the relationship” (54). Goldsmith and Harman discuss temperament and attachment for infant, with temperament being linked to the nature side of the debate and attachment being linked with the nurture side; as a result, the infant’s temperament influences the attachment bond between the infant and the mother, but the attachment bond influences the temperament of the child as well. Therefore, both nature and nurture interact with each other to produce people’s behaviour (Harman et al. 54). Andersen and Berk (1998) take on the nurture perspective, while Leary (1999) claims that nature is the determining factor of a person’s personality.
Two other theories are discussed in chapter 12 regarding drugs and crime: drug enslavement theory and general deviance syndrome theory. The book states that according to drug enslavement theory, “Drug users are forced into a life of crime because they cannot afford to pay for their drug habits unless they use crime to get money for their next fix” (Thio, 2013, pg. 311). The book states that according to general deviance syndrome theory, “The high correlation between drug use and crime does not mean that drug use causes crime because most drug users with a criminal record have committed crime before using drugs” (Thio, 2013, pg. 311). Both theories suggest that using drugs and committing crimes are related. Therefore, if marijuana use is legalized, the assumption can be made that there would essentially be some kind of decline in crime in regard to marijuana charges.