Biology 20-1 Analysis

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Introduction The purpose of this document is to review and analyze a Grade 11 Biology 20-1 lesson plan, which introduces the Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration Unit. The lesson plan is analyzed based on nine elements as described in a Universal Design template by Wiggins (2005). The paper will look at the stages of Understanding by Design (UbD), evidence of assessment, lesson alignment with WHERE TO concepts, theories of learning used, and alignment with regard to the Alberta program of studies. Each section is individually evaluated, followed by final overall recommendations based on observed trends and areas of need. First Stages of UbD The lesson plan was initially reviewed by looking at UbD: Established Goals, Understandings, Essential …show more content…

The areas of where learning is going, equipping, revision, evaluation and tailoring are all well addressed. Room for improvement exists in two areas, the hook and organized engagement sections. All activities in the lesson are particularly good at describing where the direction of learning is occurring. Because the lesson is a unit introduction, the investigative nature of the first activity is excellent at letting the students merge their own interests and knowledge with the topics being presented. By using a set of leading questions, the direction of investigation is loosely defined but students are free to pursue the questions according to interests and personal ability. Students are equipped with the right questions to seek information to develop an individualized understanding of the concepts as seen in the use of prompting questions. An excellent chance to review any information learned is provided after the first part of the lesson, when students have to link together their information and key word into a concept map. During the next period, as a class the students will be able to initially evaluate their own concepts and the implications behind them when more complete terms and explicit lecture information is provided. Students can further revise their conceptualization of the topics presented when they complete the expanded …show more content…

& Bell, R. 2012.) and provided questions to direct students towards the search for baseline information. One strength of the lesson is the ability to assess how learners have connected the key concepts presented in the lesson using the concept map framework. However, questions are not scaffolded well and are centered around basic concepts, which do not offer specific challenges for higher achieving students. Some more thought provoking, open ended questions would allow for broader independent exploration of the topic without hindering lower achiever learner

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