Black Deaths Revealed In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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How is it today people are being buried in different ways, celebrated different ways, and die in many different ways what is the connection between the renaissance? In the movie Romeo and Juliet, the audience sees that when both of the love birds die, there was no time to waste. Both Montagues and Capulets didn’t grieve of over their children dying days before burying their children. The audience can also see what kind of ceremony is given for both Romeo and Juliet. Throughout the movie and the book lots of deaths occurring in various ways. . Nowadays there're more ways now for people to die. There's also more steps before the deceased can be buried. People can die from …show more content…

Black death symptoms were black boils all over their flesh which pus and blood come out. According to Shelley Emling post says, “A new study has revealed that people mostly define old at the age of 68, but really that doesn't happen until the age of …show more content…

Today and renaissances had very similar burials but back during that era it would depend on if the person was rich or poor and in which way the person died. In the renaissances, wealthy Elizabethan was buried in tombs with headstones. Some of them had a statute of them made out of stone or bronze. Unfortunately the poor were buried in the ground without a gravestone. it has been said that the unholy ground is where people who committed suicide in the renaissance era were buried. what kind of rituals did they do before after being