Black Panther Party Case Study

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Dear Broncos for Equality,
I would like to express my ultimate gratitude on being selected to provide this new organization with a few recommendations in order to be a successful social justice organization at Cal Poly Pomona. Specifically, I will discuss the Black Panther Party (BPP), American Indian Movement (AIM), Justice for Janitors (JfJ), Gay Latinos Alliance (GALA), and The Young Lords and how each of the organizations faced their experiences of injustice regarding the issues of race, class, gender, and sexuality. Broncos for Equality would greatly benefit from knowing and applying some tactics these organization 's utilized to fight against oppression.
The African American community had long since fought against their oppressors because …show more content…

Gay Latinos Alliance had issues of race, gender and sexuality and Horacio N. Roque Ramírez documents several individuals ' experiences. For instance, Jesús Barragán struggled with keeping his sexuality and race separated within his involvement in MEChA, but with GALA he was able to be gay and Latino (Horacio 229). However, Diane Felix was a Chicana lesbian that had to experience more forms of inequality which did not just end with her hometown, but was also a problem within GALA. Even though these two individuals experienced more of a sense of belonging, Horacio interviewed Rodrigo Reyes who observed that "[they] were still a marginal group [among] white gay men" (232). Diane had it worse off than Chicano gay males because as soon as she came out as lesbian, she was no longer supported by the United Farm Workers (UFW) because of her sexuality, but she was still involved with GALA. She identified that a major problem within the organization was the "cosexual" membership it practiced, but it also served as a strength for GALA. As a response, Jesús Barragán pointed out that "women were not part of the initial plan [of GALA]," but GALA ended up changing its name from 'Gay Latino Alliance ' to 'Gay Latina/Latino Alliance ' (Horacio 252). The fact GALA had adjusted to not completely ignore women 's issues as a whole, served as a strength for this organization …show more content…

In regards to the five mentioned social justice organizations, some of my recommendations for Broncos for equality are to stay as organized as you possibly can, to be inclusive and equal to any and all identities, to stay resilient despite the length of your efforts mentally, physically, and emotionally, and to serve each other to the best of one 's ability. Without being organized, Broncos for Equality would easily meet its demise due to the inevitable chaos it may result in. The result of including and setting any and all identities as equal would bring many closer together to fight for equality. If inequality exists regarding gender, sexuality, class, or race, an organization will not only struggle with the external problem, but with an internal problem as well. Resilience is key to stay an active and strong organization. Without that 'bound-back ' factor, Broncos for Equality would have to make that extra effort if the members have to start from square one. By serving and caring for one another, Broncos for Equality can strengthen their bonds with its members and provide the necessary support that some may or may not have. Works Cited
Gutierrez De Soldatenko, Maria A. "Justice for Janitors Latinizing Los Angeles." Latino Los Angeles: Transformations and Community Activism. Ed. Enrique C. Ochoa and Gilda L. Ochoa. Tucson: U of Arizona, 2005. 225-45. Print.
Kelley, Robin D. G. "Congested Terrain." Race Rebels: Culture, Politics, and the Black